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Patchnotes 17th January 2025
- Party Exp increased
- Daily login reward fixed, all rewards will (probably) set to 1 next maintenance
- Required exp for the levels adjusted (effective this is an exp increase)
- Scroll of Awakening price reduced 1m > 500k
- Buff Pang added to Events (Worldboss, Invasion)
- /buff cooldown reduced
- Fullscreen resolutions fixed
- New Items added to the Donate Shop (16th - 31th January)
- Kitty Backpack added to the Vote Shop in different Colours!
- Dungeon Entry Reset Scroll added to Vote & Cash Shop!
- World Bosses nerfed a bit (Stun skill chance reduced, atk & cast time debuff decreased, Poision dmg reduced / removed).
- Animation added to worldbosses
- Lord removed
- Year of the Snake event added
- Dungeon Monsters lvl increased (for better questitem dropchance)
2025-01-17 09:31